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How to use Datasets in HubSpot [VIDEO]

Written by Roshan Thaliath | 13 October 2023 01:14:17 Z

Today, we want to delve into the world of HubSpot features that are often overlooked and underused. Among these hidden gems is the powerful datasets feature, exclusively available with an Operations Hub license.

A dataset is a collection of data from across your HubSpot account that can then be used in custom reports.

Within a dataset, you have the flexibility to incorporate properties for CRM objects and HubSpot assets, as well as utilise formulas to effortlessly compute your data as necessary. An excellent example of this is the ability to create a specific field that calculates annual recurring revenue based on the deal amount property.

To create a dataset:

  • In your HubSpot account, navigate to Reports > Data Management Datasets.
  • In the upper right, click Create dataset. Or to create a dataset using a template, browse the available templates, then click Use template

You can read more: Knowledgebase Article. 

Here is a quick video to introduce you to datasets, hope this helps! 

Disclaimer: This one is just over 2 mins!