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Steph's Inbound 2017: A Newbie Inbound Marketer's Story

Written by Steph Patchett-Walsh | 07 November 2017 09:00:00 Z

HubSpot Product News - Changes Galore

HubSpot Partner Day HubSpot partner day was a great event. Held at the world trade center, there were several sessions where HubSpot announced the release of new products and features, and when we (as users) can be expected to start using them! The four sessions I attended were really engaging and this set the tone for the keynotes, breakout sessions and club inbound talks that would happen during the week ahead. From Tuesday through to Thursday there was an epic amount of learning. The essentials and concepts of inbound marketing are very new to me, so I felt I almost had the most to gain from this experience.

Sessions included: succeed because your customers did, fail and fail often, 20 lessons we wish we had of known to get to diamond status, content for the fomo generation, authentic networking, burn up the competition without burning out, building your army of allies and listen to sell - just to name a few! All very engaging, useful and inspirational. These speakers shared their knowledge, successes, failures and interesting experiences - all for our ears only. My brain hurt from all the intense observing, learning and listening - but in a good way. I could not have planned this trip to Boston any better, I felt like I have absorbed every moment and not missed out on anything.

21,400 Attendees - CLUB INBOUND Impresses

Club INBOUND is a whole town on its own - stalls and people everywhere, music blaring and lots of things to do every where you turn. I was seriously impressed with the amount to see and do just at Club INBOUND - I felt like I had walked into someone’s brain from HubSpot - or at least this is what I would imagine it to look like! There is nothing of this scale held in Melbourne - it’s phenomenal.

You enter and go down the escalator where your eyes are met with lights, music, people, a range of displays for relevant businesses to show off what they do - to approx. 21,000 captive eyes. This certainly set the tone for the entire event for the duration of the week.

Each day I would take a little bit of time to walk around and see everything that was on offer and network, it was too good a chance not too! With an event of this magnitude, the organisers of INBOUND have really outdone themselves. Did I mention there were massages too?
Acquiring speakers such as Michelle Obama, Pierra Geraldi, John Cena, Billie Jean King and Ed Catmull just to name a few was incredibly worthwhile. I look forward to being able to experience another INBOUND adventure in the future. And hope that you will too.